H2R Graphics


How to integrate H2R Graphics into your Wirecast workflow to show graphics to your live audience.

Adding H2R Graphics to Wirecast is fairly easy thanks to the integrated browser in Wirecast.

1 - Launch

Start by launching both Wirecast and H2R Graphics. So far, so good.

2 - Open a project

Open your desired project in H2R Graphics and copy the output URL.

Grabbing an output URL from H2R Graphics
Grabbing an output URL from H2R Graphics

3 - Opening the output in Wirecast

In Wirecast, add a new layer and choose Web Page.

Web page input in Wirecast
Web page input in Wirecast

Then paste the link you previously copied from H2R Graphics into the URL input.

Configure the layer
Configure the layer

Two more things to check:

  1. Be sure to check Transparent Background otherwise Wirecast will add a black background to your Web Page and we don’t want that.
  2. Make sure the width and height match your project resolution - otherwise some graphics will render outside of the canvas.

4 - Setting the outputs background colour

By default, H2R Graphics outputs have a green background colour.

Open the Launcher > Output and then set the background colour by typing in “transparent”.

Changing the outputs background colour
Changing the outputs background colour

5 - Good to go

Enable the layer to place your graphics on top of your Wirecast output. Done!

Using H2R Graphics in Wirecast with an overlay
Using H2R Graphics in Wirecast with an overlay

Simplify your graphics workflow

Start using graphics on your live stream or video productions.

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